Yes, but only in certain circumstances. The Medi-Cal Dental (Denti-Cal) program expanded it's benefits to include orthodontic care almost 30 years ago. Orthodontic benefits are only to age 21 and are only provided for the following medically necessary conditions:
- Handicapping Malocclusion
-Cleft Palate/Lip
-Craniofacial Anomalies
To find out if one of these medically necessary conditions applies to you, first you must find a provider
2) The orthodontist will then perform an oral exam to determine if the patient has a condition or combination of conditions that meet the criteria to warrant authorization of orthodontic treatment
3) If a patient appears to meet the criteria, the orthodontist office staff must take impressions (molds) and mail them to Denti-Cal to obtain approval. They may also take x-rays and/or photos to submit.
4) Once the orthodontic office receives authorization to perform treatment, the braces (or other appliance) can be placed!
Examples of conditions that are considered medically necessary:
-Deep impinging overbite

-Severely excessive overjet

-Anterior crossbite
